Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is Your Perception Reality?

It's definitely been proven your mood and ultimately your outlook can and does impact what you encounter on a daily basis. If you expect things to go well they most likely will. It's interesting to me how 2 people can perceive the same situation differently. This really started to make me think a few years ago when I really discovered my husband's propensity to always see the bright side of things. He tells me he's optimistic and I am negative. I have always thought, "no, I am just realistic". What I am learning now is maybe if you aren't positive you are negative. Is there really such a thing as realistic? What is realistic? Isn't it subjective?

I think now, it really is how you view things that determines what the outcome will be. I think it's difficult for us to always assume the best, because we naturally want to prepare ourselves for the worst. The last few years have thrown me a lot of changes, stressors, and unexpected curve balls. So, I think I have a tendency to wait for the other shoe to fall so to speak.
Each day I am learning that I can change the outlook of my life with my attitude. It is a tough thing to re-wire your brain. But then again, what is our other option?
I believe that unwelcome things are going to happen to all of us at some point. But what's the harm in believing the best is always going to happen?
I empower you to try it for just one day. No matter what life hands you, no matter what happens, who gets you annoyed, keep a postitive perspective. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Make the best day of your life be today. Why not?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's the Bad Days that are the Good Days

Normally, I choose to look at something going on in current health pop culture, whether it be a new finding, or a study to comment or think on. Today, I'm going on a totally different track.
All of us have "bad" days, and that can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. I think we can all agree that a bad day can definitely be relative. I am blessed and there is something within each day that I can be grateful for, no matter what. I know a lot of you going through chronic diseases may struggle with finding that thing today. If you search for it, I promise, it's there. Today, something really got me thinking.
I woke up with a headache, knowing it was a running day, and overall felt foggy, and groggy. I set it up without even realizing it. I unconsciously decided that it was going to be a "bad" day. I just didn't feel uppity, like I really should have.

I took an ibuprofen, and set out for my run, practically forcing myself. As I started to get moving I realized my IPod was acting up. "Great", I said, just another road block, another frustration. After the first few minutes of my run it was clear to me it wasn't going to be a easy, fun, or fast run. I was going to struggle today.

It really got me thinking. Mostly, I tried to remind myself this really isn't a bad day, but God is throwing me some minor road blocks. I am running, and using my legs and my lungs, that in itself is a gift and not to be taken for granted. Also, I thought about all the people I know and people I don't know going through a much more difficult day than me.
It also occurred to me the road blocks are there for a reason. The "bad" days are there for a reason. The bad days not only allow us to enjoy the good days, but they also test us.
Now, the next time not every little thing is going absolutely perfectly I will know mentally how to handle it. I will be less likely to immediately write the day or the morning off. This is what the bad days teach us.

Ironically, as soon as I realized this things started looking clearer. My run was still horrendous, but I realized I hit the wrong switch on the IPod and got the right playlist going, and the headache was gone. Now I know, my mood is a decision, I can navigate the road blocks, and I am better for learning how.
I suppose I should have learned this by watching my Mom struggle with cancer with a smile on her face. But sometimes, you just have to wait for that moment to pop in your consciousness.
I think a lesson can be learned here. The bad days are the ones that make us stronger, wiser, and more grateful. In short, it's the bad days that are the good days.